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Whether you have a culinary inquiry, a delicious project in mind, or simply want to say bon appétit, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We’re here to have a foodie-friendly chat and guide you through the flavorful world of culinary delights.

So why wait? Savor the essence of our culinary journey today and relish the experience of authentic Armenian and Middle Eastern dishes. Reach out to us to discover more about our distinctive offerings and how we can assist you in achieving your gastronomic goals. Let us join forces to narrate your culinary tale and leave a lasting impression on every plate.


Kojababian Bldg, Mimosa St,
Burj Hammoud, Beirut,


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Monday - Friday: 8am –4pm


Saturday: 8am – 1pm

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Kojababian Bldg, Mimosa St,
Burj Hammoud, Beirut, Lebanon

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